Girl dancing in hoodie allen no interruption
Girl dancing in hoodie allen no interruption

girl dancing in hoodie allen no interruption girl dancing in hoodie allen no interruption

But according to one of the girls, his show in Boston was so big that no one bought Red Sox tickets. Before this show, I never really had a grasp on how popular Hoodie Allen was. His appeal to me was always the sampling of 50’s style doo-wop, but taking from a couple of good indie bands is pretty cool as well.ĭuring the set change, and being the social people that we are, Hussar and I began talking to two girls standing next to us after several potentially intoxicated teenagers ran in to all of us while dancing wildly. Specifically, his songs “Acting Up” and “Makeup Sex,” Which sample the bands Grizzly Bear and The Generationals respectively. So feeling like a couple of geezers due to the average age of the concert coupled with the fact that we were out of breath after jumping to one song, Hussar and I got to watch G-Eazy perform some of his fan favorites like “Lady Killers” and “Runaround Sue.” What really got me though were the songs I hadn’t heard before. At times it almost felt like I was at my homecoming dance if I didn’t go to catholic school. The boys donned snap-backs while the girls were dressed in skirts, and if we weren’t watching the rappers it was almost as entertaining seeing them drenched in sweat and grinding almost violently with each other to the beats. Standing in the back left corner just in front of the stairs that take you up to the bar, my friend and I looked over a sea of mostly high school aged kids. Now before I go in to the performances, I think I’d be doing a serious injustice by not describing the crowd. However we were just in time for G-Eazy, the second opening act and one of my personal favorites. Unfortunately this meant missing Temple product Ground Up, who I was excited to see after Lawrence showed me them before they performed at his fraternity. The concert started at 8:30, but thanks to septa we didn’t arrive till 9:00. My first experience at a rap concert was this past Thursday when my friend Hussar and I went to the Electric Factory, and it did not disappoint.

Girl dancing in hoodie allen no interruption